I had an interesting conversation with a friend this week who had no idea how the current mental health system works in the UK. Inspired by that, here's a post on why the model we have for both physical and mental healthcare is only right part of the time.
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This week I've been thinking about how we use language in the medical world, and how this can cause more problems for people than we mean it to. I'm going to break down some of the more common ways in which I think our language fails us, and think about a way forwards which is less distressing for everyone involved.
Bit of a ranty blog post this week, based on some things I've been reading on social media and general societal beliefs. Warning for discussions of terminal illness and death behind the cut, as well as why I don't think you can fight your way to wellness.
My previous post explaining chronic pain (and my post about how to manage it) were quite popular, so this week I'm bringing you more of my reflections on working with people who are struggling with chronic pain.
Last week we looked at chronic pain - what it is, and how it develops. This week, we're going to be talking about pain management. Pain management is the main part of my day job, so I've got a lot to say about it! Hopefully, people will find it helpful.
Every time I tell someone that I work with people who have chronic pain, they want to know exactly what that means. I've been taking my time writing this blog post because it's complicated, but I think everyone should know about chronic pain whether they have it or not. Read on to find out what it is.
This week I've got an exciting collaboration with Shirley Myers. We're talking about cancer and mental health. If this is a difficult topic then take it steady, but we hope you can join us behind the cut to look at ways to manage your mental health when you have a cancer diagnosis.
Being around others is amazing, but being alone can also be great. This week's blog post is about solitude, and why being alone for a while is a good way to recharge and refocus. Read on to find out how you can do just that.
If you have a chronic illness, you've likely heard about pacing. This week, I'm going to discuss pacing in detail - what it is, and how you can use it to manage your activity levels if you're struggling with pain, fatigue, or getting back to normal following illness or surgery.
It's mental health awareness week! This year's theme is "body image - how we think and feel about our bodies". This is a topic that comes up time and again in my work, and I wanted to use the opportunity to think about how we think about ourselves when something goes wrong with our body. When we feel like it's letting us down.
AuthorDr Sarah Blackshaw: Clinical Psychologist, blogger, tea drinker, interested in dinosaurs and shiny objects Archives
January 2024