I've been talking a lot about grief recently, so it seemed like a good time to do a blog on this difficult topic - this week we'll talk about what grief often looks like (with apologies to Bastille for the title!)
This week's blog post is about boredom, and how it can actually be good for you. Strange, right? At least if you're bored by this blog, it's not such a bad thing!
As a psychologist I love learning about different types of therapy. I've recently been training in a new (to me) therapy called EMDR, so I thought I'd share a bit of what that looks like with you!
Well, here I am again. The last year has gone so fast that I haven't had chance to slow down and consider what's important to me. I followed absolutely none of my own advice in my last blog post about burnout and, whilst I never actually got to a stage that I would call burnout. I've definitely been struggling to find a balance between what I do for a living and what I enjoy in life.
Enter: the new year. It's a time of reflection, and my friends are always really good at getting me to stop and think about what I'm doing. I realised this year that if I continue to prioritise my work life (which is important, don't get me wrong) then I'm going to completely lose some of the other things that I value about my life, including writing, which is a creative outlet for me as well as something that helps me to focus my thoughts on different topics. So, one of the things I've decided to do is to start blogging again. Hi. I'm back - did you miss me? Don't answer that!
It's been a while. I kept meaning to come back to this blog and update it, but the pandemic has taken a fair bit out of me both personally and professionally and it's been difficult to find the motivation to keep writing. But I'm back, with a blog about burnout. So here we are - the UK lockdown has been going on for what feels like forever, and you've either settled into some sort of uneasy routine or you're perpetually sleepless and aimless at the moment. Here's a blog post on what I hope for the next few months, as we adjust to our "new normal."
Sorry I've been away for a month - COVID-19 has taken over my day job as well as my evenings. I thought I'd pop back with a blog post on how to keep yourself well at the moment.
I had an interesting conversation with a friend this week who had no idea how the current mental health system works in the UK. Inspired by that, here's a post on why the model we have for both physical and mental healthcare is only right part of the time.
A shorter post this week about assumptions, and why it's useful not to take anything for granted.
This week I've been thinking about how we use language in the medical world, and how this can cause more problems for people than we mean it to. I'm going to break down some of the more common ways in which I think our language fails us, and think about a way forwards which is less distressing for everyone involved.
AuthorDr Sarah Blackshaw: Clinical Psychologist, blogger, tea drinker, interested in dinosaurs and shiny objects Archives
January 2024